
Calendario di Eventi

L Lun

M Mar

M Mer

G Gio

V Ven

S Sab

D Dom

1 evento,

Deadline Call for abstract-Der Geothermiekongress (DGK)

2 eventi,

2 eventi,


Rapporto SOER 2020 (State of the Environment Report) – Annuario dei dati ambientali 2019

3 eventi,


Webinar-IRENA & CEER, COVID-19 & Renewables: Impact on the Energy System

0 eventi,

1 evento,

0 eventi,

1 evento,

0 eventi,

1 evento,


Webinar sul Piano Europeo per gli Investimenti Esterni – Focus Africa

0 eventi,

0 eventi,

0 eventi,

0 eventi,

1 evento,

3 eventi,

14ma International Conference on Energy Sustainability-For a Sustainable Planet

2 eventi,


Webinar-“Le Pompe di Calore Geotermiche protagoniste della Transizione Energetica”

0 eventi,

2 eventi,

Deadline Call for Abstract: 1° EAGE Workshop Geothermal and Hydro Power in Africa

1 evento,

2 eventi,


Webinar-EGEC Green Recovery and Oil Crisis: a window of opportunity to invest in geothermal

2 eventi,


Webinar-EGEC Goethermal energy in my back yard: tackling energy poverty with renewables

1 evento,

0 eventi,

2 eventi,

0 eventi,

3 eventi,


Webinar-IRENA “Powering Healthcare to Support COVID-19 Response: Best Practices and Lessons from Past and Current Interventions”

UNIDO-Global Call “Idee e Tecnologie innovative vs. COVID-19 e oltre”

0 eventi,

0 eventi,

0 eventi,

0 eventi,

0 eventi,